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This website was built to help you discover the ways of seeing the great LalBagh botanical garden. 


LalBagh is a tree museum and this guide was made to help you explore this marvelous garden. Currently, the website provides a checklist of flowers from the present season. These can be used to ID the flowers or as a checklist while you’re there. 


There was a need for a free guide for this spectacular garden so I built one.

Often times I’ve roamed the garden clueless as to what I am seeing, where I need to go, or what exactly makes a certain tree special. Most often than not this information was buried in books and zealous research. Everything a casual visitor is unaware of and/or not inclined to pursue. Every year Lalbagh witnesses the blooming of some marvelous flowers of local and foreign varieties that would be a shame to ignore. 


This project is run alone by me, Abhishek Khan, under my pen name Hand Jobs inc. This is a citizen-run effort to help people befriend the botanical diversity around them. It’s only if we can befriend them that can we hope to conserve them. Recognising species is the first step to enabling that. 


Feedback, corrections, and volunteer requests are very welcome. Please use the contact page

Please note: This website is not affiliated/assosiated with Lalbagh Botanical garden in any capacity.



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